Sunday, May 29, 2011

Chaplain Insight During Post Joplin Tornado Work

The following paragraphs are written by a chaplain working in Joplin after the tornado. It paints a picture of the struggles and pain of the people and of the chaplain.

"This is beyond Haiti when it comes to bodies. We debrief often through the day and before bed. Holding families while they watch search & rescue, body parts, and last hopes of life fade away. Men unable to withstand the trauma. Women clinging to lost hope. The children of these families are sad and confused. This is the worst possible scene you can imagine. Pray as the days wear on."

"Our coping skills are great. Debrief one another, pray often, prayed for 102 people all at different times, eat well adding ice cream, laugh and tease each other in a group at the end of the day over dinner, tell each other how good we see the working, cry with one another, pull jokes on each other, praise God for His love, listen to miracles we are told, love the people, look out for one another, take hiding breaks from the people, smile at how bad we look, laugh at our mash beds, and look at our family pictures for a reality check. We are looking for every small joy life has to offer. We are living ground zero. We are a team of seven chaplains who are humbled to serve God and man "for a time such as this." we are a tough breed of chappy's. "

Thank you for all the prayers and know you are part of our work through your prayers.

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