Thursday, January 20, 2011

IFOC Chaplains at Tucson

Eight chaplains from Albuquerque left 7 am on Thursday Jan 13th, arriving at 3 pm and immediately went to the Safeway store the site of the incident. Spent the next 3 hours at the scene, talking and praying with many people driving through the parking lot and stopping to observe the site. The store was closed and ¾ of the lot was still taped off with Police tape keeping people away form the scene.
Connected with Pastor Jonathon Alameda and set up a meeting on Friday morning 10 am with Pastors Pete LaJoie, Adam Parsons and Jonathon Alameda.
Friday morning,  4 chaplains went to the Funeral of Federal Judge Roll, and spent four hours ministering to the community.  Pete LaJoie went with us to the Safeway Mall and introduced us to the store managers of the other stores in the mall.  Ministered to many of the employees and continued to minister to all that dropped by the site. Afternoon and evening we spent at the UMC where a memorial was set up for all the victims.  Attended the candlelight vigil that evening and prayed with hundreds that were grieving.
First visit to the Congress woman’s office memorial site, spent many hours ministering to all.  Many coming from far away wanting to be a part of this tragedy and not understanding their grieving process.   UMC, Safeway and Congress woman’s memorial sites consumed the day and ended again with another candle light service.  I was asked to lead a pray service and speak words of encouragement to the gathering at the UMC by a local minister from the Tucson area.
Sunday morning we attended service and were asked to attend the funeral service of Dorword “Dory” Stoddard the man who saved his wife’s life by protecting her, and died in his efforts.  Over 800 attended the service and we all help with the set up and clean up and prayed with many.I would best guess we spoke to 1000 to 1500 people, praying for over 400 of them.
Made many contacts with local Police, State and the State Legislative Chaplain who called me and asked about our training and wanted more information on CISM Classes we offer.
It was an honor to go and serve.
Calvary of Tucson was very appreciative of our work and assistance.

Chaplain Lt Colonel Les Palmer
Corps Commander
International Fellowship of Chaplains

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