Monday, May 10, 2010

Nashville Prayer Request

We need prayer, please send this to all IFOC contacts. Once again, our nation is in crisis, my area (Nashville and vicinity) is in crisis.

My county is in critical crisis and my family is in crisis. My County, Hickman has sustained at least 3 tornado's in the midst of the flooding. My County's infrastructure is as critical mass with all county roads sustaining damage. The main vein in the county just lost a bridge which supports any supplies getting to the Southern part of the County. The Lord is bringing my county to it's knee's. The Lord told me in the Spirit, "As the water's recede the death toll will rise". This morning on my computer the BBC headline was " "Officials in Nashville, Tennessee, fear the death count from flooding will continue to grow as the waters recede".Our County has reported one death, Sharon was told by eyewitness account of at least 4 more deaths. To put this in perspective, Nashville has a surrounding population of 1 million plus. In the metro area there have been as of my email 11 confirmed deaths. Hickman Counties population is less than 28,000. There are at least 5 fatalities. Yesterday the red cross fed 1,350 people dinner. We need prayer covering and we need it now.

In His Service,


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