Thursday, January 21, 2010

Haiti Request

PLEASE prayerfully consider helping ... resources are limited ... we could really use your help!

I will update you as more info arrives ... thanks so much!

IFOC Chaplain Ken Gruber

As most of you have heard by now, a 7.0 earthquake has hit Port au Prince, Haiti. The devastation is catastrophic. There have been estimates that deaths may reach 100,000. I cannot even fathom how many are left homeless and helpless, unable to get medical care, food, and water. We are still unable to have direct communication with our people there on the ground and are still waiting to hear word if they are alive.

We are preparing to respond. Brian and Ken will be leaving on Thursday next week to assess the situation on the ground. We would like to send out a team, made up primarily of medical personnel although we will take others, to leave about a week after they arrive there. We are looking for people with international experience, if however you are a medical professional and have not had that experience, we still need you, so please talk with us so we can determine if this would be a good fit for you. People interested in going need to be able to handle hardship and seeing suffering on a daily basis. The team would stay approximately 1-2 weeks, we haven’t nailed down times and dates yet. The cost would be $1000-$1500 and it would be a rough trip (possibly sleeping in tents or some other very uncomfortable place, eating lots of power bars, not much chance of a shower, etc.) All team members will need to already have their shots needed for Haiti and may not have a chance to start Malaria medication on time.

If there are enough people interested in going then we may split the team into 2 different teams and piggy back off of each other. People interested in going please email us and plan to attend an informational meeting on Monday night at 7pm, at Ken’s house. 9361 Ogden St. (one block north of Fort off of North Oaks Blvd.) We will know more details at that time. I will also update you through email as we get more information.

If you have ever considered giving, now is the time. We are in need of money and supplies. Please send checks to:

PO Box 642323
Omaha, NE 68164

Or you may give through Paypal on our website:

We are in need of supplies. The biggest need is medical supplies for wounds and medicines. We will also need water purifiers, stashes of power bars, MRE’s, things such as that. Possibly tents as well. We will know more as Brian and Ken get on the ground there. Any supply donations you can email me about or drop off at Ken & Jonie’s house.

Please email your prayer partners, churches, family, and pass along our information and make our needs known. By working together we can raise more and meet more needs. Please continue to pray. Pray that the Lord will work out all these details and for the personnel and financial needs. Pray especially for those in Haiti now.

Please check our blog as we will be updating in the days to come as we get more information. Also we will have our website updated soon as well.

Thank you all for partnering with us.

Cody Smith

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